ROI of posting regularly (or why I started blogging more often)

Posting on socials / blogging feels really unnatural for me. I've always been the kind of person that focuses on their own thing, keeps quiet and moves along in life
But.. after reading a lot about how marketing / sales works.. I decided to give this a try
"I signed up for your platform in September but we didn't need it until now.. but I kept reading your weekly blog posts!"
I heard this in a customer call the other day and it floored me. I had read theories about why posting regularly was important.. but...
You know the addage "Sales is all about timing?" Your goal is to find people who are having the problem right now so you can solve it for them
So.. what do you do with everyone who isn't having the problem?
It turns out that posting regularly can help you stay top of mind with your prospects so they think of you when they are actively looking for a solution to their problem
So to everyone else out there who isn't sure about it.. just bite the bullet and try it for a month and see how it goes!
I would never have heard the positive feedback had I not given it a shot