Launch week Day 5: Skyvern x

Launch week Day 5: Skyvern x

Finally. Our most requested integration is here!

Our latest integration in Make is here! Make is a no-code automation platform currently empowering 500,000+ people to introduce automation into their workflows, whether they be personal or professional.

Why Integrate into Make?

While we are both workflow builders, Make and Skyvern serve totally different purposes. Make is all about bringing your tools together into one place, while Skyvern allows you to reach into the browser and access sites without APIs. Want to conduct contact form outbound and result tracking all from your Google Sheet? Need to track inventory purchasing by automating invoice downloads? Want to automate job applications and organize replies? All of these are possible with your Skyvern integration in Make. 🌟

Here are some common use cases for your Skyvern integration in Make:

  • Individuals and businesses can benefit from invoices downloading, including the everyday person looking to track expenses or a retail company looking to track inventory.
  • Auto-filling contact forms for lead generation has shown to be valuable for small and large businesses looking to reduce bounce rates and increase interested replies.
  • Automating job applications makes worlds of a difference for individuals, taking away some of the pain of the endless applying and tracking replies.
  • Procurement is also a big, repetitive task for many companies that are restocking inventory, including e-commerce, construction, healthcare, hospitality, and more.
  • Automate SEO submissions for your small business whether that be legal services, consulting, or tech to get the word out.

Happy Automating!