Investor Update Templates

Investor Update Templates

Most startups send Investor updates to their investors. It's a great way to stay connected with the people who believed in you.. especially the ones that believed in you when nothing was working!

It also holds you as a founder accountable. You're forced to write down how things went / are going at a regular cadence, and reflect why or why not you were (or weren't) able to do what you said you would.

The hardest part of these updates is sending them both when the times are good and when the times are bad. It's really easy to send updates when times are good, but sending them when times are bad is even more important

Back when we were pivoting, we got the opportunity to send our investors an email indicating as such, and everyone rallied together to help us come up with new problems to tackle, gave feedback on the ideas we had, which eventually helped us land on Skyvern.

Are you curious what an investor update looks like? Here's the template we modify every month to send it out.


Subject: Skyvern Investor Update #?:

Reminder: Everything here is confidential!

[A short 1-2 sentence exec summary about the prior month/state of the business.]


- **Revenue:** $0 [+0% MoM]
- **Customers**: 0 [+0% MoM]
- **Github Stars:** 0 [+0% MoM]
- **Cash:** $[X.Xm]
- **Burn:** $[XXK]
- **Runway:** [XX] months


- [Please send us leads for any great fullstack engineers, here's the job description: ]
- [Can you hit reply and send me the names of 3 post-series A founders that might be interested in our product? I'll followup with forwardable intros for each.]


- [Launched our new onboarding flow that's already improved activation by 20%.]
- [Hired a great Founding engineer, which will allow me to focus more fully on sales.]


- [We're behind schedule on project Y, and it's starting to impact our roadmap plans. This is our top priority until we get it launched]

**Shout outs:**

- [Thanks to Investor ABC for the product feedback and advice, it was a huge help.]
- [Thank you to Investor XYZ for introing us to the Customer Success Lead we just hired!]

**Goals/priorities for next month:**

- [Grow 40% to $XXk MRR.]
- [Launch Feature X, which we're optimistic will improve retention by 10%.]
- [Make 2 key eng hires.]

**Customer Love**

- [Screenshots of appreciation]

**Monthly Meme Alert**

- [Really funny but also kinda real meme]