A Major Update - Credentialing in Skyvern

A Major Update - Credentialing in Skyvern

🗣️ You can now store credentials directly in Skyvern!

Until now, the only way to manage credentials was through Bitwarden. Time and time again, we heard the same feedback—signing up, onboarding, and configuring was was annoyingly high maintenance.

With this release, you can now add, save, and link credentials into your workflow without leaving Skyvern. Three easy steps: add credential, add a credential parameter in workflow, and link!

Whether you’re an individual looking for a quick start or a business that wants to keep its existing password manager, this option makes onboarding new logins worlds easier.

💬 Give it a shot and let us know what you think! Your input will go a long way into turning this V0 into a robust V1